Sunday, July 6, 2008

happenings and such.

here's a basic recap of my life over the last month:

Insomniac: ah, the annual no-holds-barred, no sleep necessary, no-boring-allowed schooler trip designed to celebrate the start of summer. This year Insomniac took us to Arlington, Texas where we took in the Texas night sky at the planetarium, watched Kung Fu Panda in IMAX, and go-karted to our heart's content. Also featured on this trip: Adrienne puking. It was blue. It was awesome.

UMARMY: this was an amazing, if not hectic, week of providing free home repair to those who are unable to afford it in Willis, Texas. While it's the kids who do most of the work on this mission trip, I along with the ever-amazing Karen and the Debbies did a ton of behind the scenes work in order to help the week go smoothly. I also got to spend some time with Brad's good friend Justin, and learned what all the hype is about.

Lakeview: the week-long summer camp that shall not be mentioned here or hereafter.

Fourth of July: was me and Brad's one year anniversary! We spent the day in Tyler, shopping at one of the most glorious malls I've seen in Texas thus far, saw Hancock (it was really good, I recommend it), and eating burgers at Friday's. Brad got me a gorgeous dress and I got him two more polo shirts to add to his collection. If you see him looking particularly good and sporting a polo, it's probably one of the shirts I got him. It was really refreshing to be able to spend an entire day with my amazing boyfriend after such a long month. I can't believe we've been together for an entire year because it's gone by so fast, but it's honestly been the best year of my life.

etc: Brad got me a BlackJack, and I flippin' love it.

that about wraps it up. School started last week, and I just realized today that I have school everyday until the end of the year. Look forward to posts complaining about that in the future. I don't have any more major trips coming up, so maybe I can actually blog every now and then. Todd should be pleased.

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