Wednesday, March 19, 2008

adrienne: hardened criminal.

So a couple weeks ago, my sister went on a field trip and needed to be picked up from her school when she got back. Even though I was crazy sick, I found it in my heart to crawl to my car and make the drive. I got to the school a few minutes before she got back, and I was so sick and tired (literally), that I put my seat back to lay down and rest a little while I waited. About ten minutes into this resting session, a woman came out of the school and tapped on my window. Half asleep, I rolled it down and she proceeded to tell me that unless I could produce identification and an explanation of what I was doing there, the school was going to call the police. Apparently because I had been motionless for a while, and then put my seat down, it looked like I was trying to conceal myself and they were worried I wanted to harm someone.

Then this morning I ran to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things, and I went through the self-checkout lane. After paying I picked up my stuff and went to leave, but the self-checkout-monitor-lady ran after me, pulled me over to her computer screen and said, "You didn't pay for this stuff you're ringing up!". I explained to her that I couldn't be standing next to her and ringing grocery items up at the same time, which is when she figured out she was looking at another woman's transaction.

I say all of this to actually say... do I look like someone who would stake out a school or steal lemons? Have I missed my true calling? Maybe instead of Adrienne: Children's/Youth Pastor, it should be Adrienne: Hoodlum.


Todd Wright said...

You ABSOLUTELY look like someone who would stake out a school.

Not so much on the lemons, though.

adrienne. said...


word travels fast.

david said...

i would argue that youth pastor and hoodlum are most often one in the same.

word verification...really?

adrienne. said...

I think the Texas A&M football field would agree with that statement.

Anonymous said...

My granddaughter a suspicious character? How dare they even think she would do anything wrong.

Bill Acevedo said...

When you were three you stole candy from Walmart. You ate it before we checked out. Fortunately, you also ate the wrapper so there was no evidence. We should have known then

Anonymous said...

I like how I'm now posting a "thought", not a comment.

and I'll have to agree that at least half (if not more, I haven't done proper testing) of you is criminally-inclined. i seem to recall that for far too long some dear little stuffed friends of mine were missing...

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else creeped out by the Hamburglar? That picture is very goofy.

Oh, and, welcome to the Blogosphere, Adrieene.