Friday, May 23, 2008

Five. 5. Cinco.

I've been tagged by Todd to do this survey, so here we go!

What were you doing 5 years ago?
1. Finishing up my last year of high school.
2. Working as a children's pastor.
3. Fighting God on the whole ministry-as-a-career thing.
4. Still thinking I wanted to be a shark biologist.
5. Spending a lot of time at the beach.

5 things on your to-do list today?
1. Meet with Karen for UMARMY prep (done!).
2. Pick up some Texas toast and brown mascara (done!).
3. Start watching Alias from the beginning of Season 1 (maybe).
4. Unpack my books a little.
5. Cook dinner.

5 snacks you enjoy?
in no particular order:
1. potato chips (my biggest food weakness).
2. pudding.
3. ice cream.
4. chocolate covered chocolate chip granola bars (I reason that these are healthy candy bars).
5. macaroni and cheese (Kraft please!).

5 things you would do if you were a billionaire?
1. Pay off my and my family's debt (was that proper grammar?).
2. Buy a house.
3. With a walk-in-closet.
4. Buy a car that's not a mom-mobile (not that I have anything against them).
5. Take a vacation to an island that has a movie theater, a SuperTarget, and no people (except those required to run said theater and Target).

5 of your bad habits?
1. I eat terribly (either not enough or too much crap).
2. I check my email way too often.
3. When I'm with my brother Brandon, I/we use too many inside jokes.
4. I relate every situation I'm in to an Office episode, which can lead to uncontrollable quoting of Michael Scott.
5. I'm only selectively patient.

5 places you've lived?
1. Orlando, Florida.
2. Jacksonville, North Carolina.
3. Deltona, Florida.
4. St. Augustine, Florida.
5. Lufkin, Texas.

5 jobs you've had?
1. Childcare worker at Pine Ridge Fellowship.
2. Children's pastor at Pine Ridge Fellowship.
3. Camp counselor at a United Methodist summer camp.
4. Sales associate at Ann Taylor and Old Navy (gross).
5. Intern at Lufkin FUMC.

5 tags and why:
I don't know 5 people who blog and haven't already been tagged for this, but I think that my dear friend Lori's responses to these questions would be humorous and enlightening.

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