Saturday, March 22, 2008

This morning I woke up to the sounds of a bird singing a beautiful melody...

and was thoroughly annoyed.

Does this make me a bad person?


Angela said...

I don't think so....but I've been annoyed by the birds for about a week now.

david said...

i think yiou need to answer a few more questions:

did you want to harm the bird?

if you were to harm the bird in what way would you harm it?

if harm led to the death of the bird, what wuld you do with it's tiny silent bird carcass?

Romack said...

I'm troubled, David. Truly troubled.

Lori said...

Happy to see you will be in good hands in Texas judging by your blog commentors. Yes i made that word up, feel free to edit my dear friend. <3Lori